New Account Activation

Please complete and submit this form to register for an account to access Virtual City Hall. After submission, we will send you an email to confirm your account creation. Once your account is activated, you will have access to the wide range of services we offer.
Click here to watch a video on how to Activate an Account

Follow the validation steps below: *

Please note: Usernames are case sensitive.
Password Requirements:
1. Password length must be in between 12 to 20 characters
2. Password must contain one Upper case letter
3. Password must contain one Lower case letter
4. Password must contain one Number
5. Password must contain one Special Character from : @$!%*?#&
Registration Account Type: *
Customer Number:
Last name first name:
From your latest bill or statement for the account type you have selected, find the information requested and key it in above. To see where you can locate this information on your billing. Click the below links: Tax Bill, Water Bill, Invoice.